Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Amazon Utilizes a Unique Method in Delivering Books to Consumers, This Research Paper

Amazon Utilizes a Unique Method in Delivering Books to Consumers, This Network Is Called Whispernet - Research Paper Example E-commerce has profoundly altered the mode through which people used to traditionally buy goods and/or services as well as conduct business activities. The major markets of e-commerce can be identified as United States, United Kingdom and Japan in the current scenario. In the e-commerce segment, Amazon faces competition from several players. In North American region, the major players of e-commerce apart from Amazon are Apple, Wal-Mart and Sears, while in Latin America,,, Mercado Livre, and UOL play a dominating role among other e-retailers. In European region, the major players are eBay,, and among other websites. Similarly, in Asian region the major e-commerce players are, and among other websites. As these websites also operate in similar segment, they tend to act as major competitors for Amazon (yStats, â€Å"Global B2C E-Commerce Players Report 2011†). Irrespective of sever al competitors in the e-commerce sector, Amazon has shown significant growth in terms of its business and revenue. Thesis Statement The paper aims to develop an unambiguous understanding towards the impact of e-commerce over the business functions of Amazon. The paper describes how Amazon has utilized e-commerce in several aspects of business in order to gain higher revenue. The paper also describes the strategies used by Amazon analysing the telecommunication approaches used by the company. Company Characteristics Historically, Amazon has tangled itself strictly with e-commerce trends and was successful in developing its business functions from mere book selling to an e-retailing company. By recognising the growth trend of internet, Amazon had commenced offering ‘virtual bookstore’ facilities providing opportunities to buyers to view books along with reviews before purchasing. Amazon commenced its operations online in 1997 with a vision to retail books with low-cost co mpared to other traditional book retailers. In 1998, Amazon expounded the product line from books to other items to strengthen its position in e-commerce (Pearson Education, â€Å"Introduction to E-commerce†). The mission of Amazon is to emerge as a customer oriented company and attain the leadership position in the online retailing market. Amazon’s objective is to satisfy the requirement and desire of customers in e-commerce segment. It is the goal of the organisation to increase the efficiency and productivity of business and turn into a preferable website for online shopping of books along with other products. Organizational Structure Presently, Amazon follows the virtual organisational structure which is a modern form of business introduced in the 21st century. As a virtual organization, Amazon possesses a widespread geologically dispersed work culture, empowered by innovative telecommunication

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Relatioship with smart phones; Mass communication Essay

Relatioship with smart phones; Mass communication - Essay Example Furthermore, it can do most of the things a computer can do such as browsing the internet; one can access social networking sites like Facebook and Tweeter, download music and even watch TV (Kroski 2008, p.18). They are also used to determine to what social class a person belongs – the better and the more recent one’s iPhone is, the higher this person’s social class is, in people’s judgment. Despite their advantages, iPhones have negatively contributed to physical social interaction and created dependency and unhealthy addiction in users, which appears to portend the decline of some of humanities’ basic skills such as hand printing. Thanks to iPhones, people can communicate with others without being physically present, and this has led to them relegating the importance of face-to-face conversation in interpersonal communication. This often happens when someone has bad news to deliver and may opt to avoid sharing it face-to-face, so that he/she does not have to deal with another person’s reactions. Therefore, people with communication phobias and those who are nervous during conversations will find solace in the use of iPhones, may never overcome them, and may be easily falling into internet addiction (Shepherd & Edelmann 2001, p. 520). Hence, communication is stunted in that unless one is using video conferencing, which is not common, one is not able to receive immediate nonverbal feedback, and this makes communication incomplete. Unfortunately, this also makes lying easier since the recipient of the information is not privy to the cues that will allow him/her to detect deceit. Taking into consideration the use of emails and texts in communication, our writing skills will keep deteriorating, especially with technology such as iPads being introduced to young children in school. The majority of youths, especially in developed countries, rarely use a pen since they can send a text or email, which one can type on their iPhones. In addition, there is