Wednesday, September 2, 2020

University Of Central OklahomaDepartment Of Nursing Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Attendant? s Attitudes TowardDo Not Resuscitate Orders In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor Nursing 4522Nursing Research II Introduced toAllen Nottingham, R.N. , B.S. ByMeggin BeanJessica BrownellShannon GenzerLeslie LoomanShanna McIntosh April 20, 1998 Chapter by chapter guide I. Presentation? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Background? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Theoretical Framework? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 4 Problem Statement? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 Statement of Purpose? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..5 Research Question? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..6 Theoretical Definitions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 6 Operational Definitions? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..7 II. Survey OF LITERATURE? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 Introductory Statement? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 Conceptual Framework? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ..101. Pre-Conventional Degree? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 112. Traditional Degree? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 173. Post-Conventional Degree? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 21 Summary? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .24 III. Procedure? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 26 Introductory Statement? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 26 Research Puting? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 27 Subjects? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 27 Procedure? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 28 Instrumentality? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .. 29 Assumptions identified with Methodology? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 31 IV. Reference? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 32 V. Informative supplements? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . 36 Appendix A? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 36 Appendix B? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 41 Appendix C? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 42 Appendix D? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 43 Appendix E? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 45 Section I Presentation Foundation Many impacts, for example, social foundation, values, moral intentions, and convictions carry incredible power to manage upon about each assurance an individual must do all through a mean twenty-four hours whether it be a pick, thought, or activity. These impacts are utilized in the development of perspectives around one? s conscience all in all, and around right or off base. We will compose a custom paper test on College Of Central OklahomaDepartment Of Nursing Essay or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All individuals have these youth impacts to acknowledgment for our perspectives, picks, contemplations, and even convictions that are held dearest. Perspectives created during youth and all through life play a cardinal capacity in the way individuals associate with each other, grasp emergencies, or even spread with every day employments that happen in their lives. These convictions are cardinal to each human whether they be woodworker, government official, or enlisted nurture. So intermeshed in our everyday lives are these qualities, that actually habitually their capacity in the assurance technique goes unnoticed. Actually, one can populate their full life and neer have cognizance with regards to what triggers certain feelings, emotions toward the other sex, or even what drives the method of thought. However, they are given to each contemporary habitually aimlessly, with each motion, each angled supercilium, and each faery story. The cognizance of their essence is optional to the in terest to hold them. They are the yarn that join networks together, carries individuals to a typical land, and gives numerous an expectation forever. Mentalities about expire and perishing are gotten from a belly to-burial chamber methodology of sing life and the convictions about perish that one acknowledges as their ain. In numerous human advancements convictions and issues environing perish are simply the 1s held dearest and nearest to oneself. Many, if non all, civic establishments acknowledge that perish is nevertheless another measure in the method of life. Be that as it may, contrasts by they way one may take to welcome or avoid perish are fluctuated and many. How one decides to go up against expire, what instrumentality, and even where to perish ( when 1 has the pick ) are largely undertakings of individual affinity. Utilization of Do Not Resuscitate ( DNR ) orders or exhaustive advances are other than issues of affinity ( when there is a real existence will and these conclu sions are made before cut ) , and these inclinations influence numerous lives runing from companion to parental figure. As a wellbeing proficient, the medical attendant must cover with perish and those that are expiring on an about everyday balance. As an attendant, one must be conscious of their ain individual emotions and convictions sing expire and be set up to regard the needs of the patient sing this issue. All the more every now and again, the medical caretaker will be the extremely individual to move out a DNR request. This implies the medical attendant may hold to stand and watch or take the manus of a patient while the person in question bites the dust. The assurance that a medical caretaker will do will be founded on perspectives toward expire and passing, every piece great as the very impression of the DNR request. A few attendants may grasp a DNR request as a simple way out of costly clinical measures and an immediate manus in the expire of the patient, while others may consider it to be a lenient terminal to an agonizing and anguished being. When stood up to with the legitimateness of DNR orders and the mankind of mindful and wanting to proceed with life, the medical caretaker is much of the time faced with an issue. The attendant? s assurance can be one that can affect her calling each piece great as the needs of the patient. Whatever the attendant? s emotions would they say they are, must be tended to so as to more readily work the patient and to ensure that the patient? s rights and best associations are at the focal point of the worry. By turn toing the medical caretaker? s issues with DNR orders or simply perish itself, the patient advantages from the insight that the medical attendant has a dread of why the individual in question may encounter a specific way about an impossible to miss subject. Comprehension of where our qualities, convictions, and perceptual experience begin can simply capacity to, help us go more grounded, increasingly car ing, and wiser.Researchers of this study accept that outcomes will loan to the effectively tremendous natural structure of nursing insight by introducing an article that when perused, may assist the perusers with looking inside oneself and find what convictions, or inadequacy of, are directing their activities. Thus toing this issue, the examination laborers feel that a medical caretaker will determine important entrance which may help the person in question to better header with the issues environing a patient that is close to expire and has a DNR request connected to their outline. The exploration laborers will other than present data on the strategy whereby arrangement of these mentalities or convictions happens and in making so will gracefully starting from whence changes and additionally dread of what we accept can be accomplished. Besides, the examination laborers accept that the degree to which these discoveries can be summed up are non only constrained just to specific floor s or segments inside a hospital scene however, are accessible to everybody with the craving to comprehend what makes them care about specific issues. In any case, these discoveries can be utile in nations of oncology, paediatricss, gerontologies, and additionally any nation where DNR orders are in topographic point. In addition, these discoveries can be utile in alleviative, each piece great as recuperating scenes, inside the spot wellbeing network, and the retirement network. All in all, the exploration laborers trust that this data which may help anybody in their chase for worry of who and what they are, will other than work as a device to affect a change in how those that read this overview handle each other each piece great as what one says and does. Hypothetical FrameworkKohlberg? s Theory of Moral Development will be utilized as a theoretical model for this overview ( Wong, 1995 ) . Kohlberg? s hypothesis comprise of three degrees. Inside every degree are two recognizable periods of good turn of events. Inside degree one, the Pre-moral degree, are the stages one and two which region that an individual obeys guidelines to prevent punishment or to pass on about wages severally. Inside Kohlberg? s degree one is Piaget? s stage one of good coherent reasoning called Moral Realism from which disposition development, and mentalities about perish and expiring are figured ( Coffey A ; March, 1983 ) .The second Kohlberg degree is known as the Pre-Conventional degree. Inside this degree are stages three and four. Stage three tends to the strategy whereby people seek after the gift of others by depicting themselves as great. Stage four areas that individuals have respect for approval and cultural request and that individuals are situated t oward obligation and respect for approval. Other than inside this degree is Piaget? s second period of good intelligent reasoning called Morality of Cooperation which manages the way participation is accomplished in moral turn of events and its findings on creating moral thought processes and attitudes.The last level of Kohlberg? s hypothetical record is the Post-Conventional degree. Inside this degree are the fifth and sixth stages. Stage five references that individuals are responsive to complying with fairly acknowledged Torahs and guidelines of conduct, while stage six suggests that ethical quality is single doubts. Inside this region surveies will be introduced that area that attendants map at this level of Kohlberg? s Theory of Moral Development. It is a direct result of this degree that one can be in contact with the feelings and mentalities that are liable for how individuals feel and act sing a particular point. These activities and the mentalities behind them are the estab lishments for what makes something right or off base ( in any event in the leader of the individual or people included )

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Cutback Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reduction Management - Essay Example Operational expenses or program might be sliced to give space for different assets for guiding, planning or other generous changes. It along these lines turns out to be difficult to accomplish changes in an association. With less assets remaining, it will be a hard errand to bring authoritative changes, just as to meet creative projects for workers. Moreover, the organizations’ adaptability in development is decreased. It might turn out to be difficult to arrive at accord on howmuch will be cut from the spending plan by the partners. Cut back administration ought to be seen as a pattern to better open doors that will prompt improvement instead of a danger. The tone utilized for such an undertaking should be certain. Likewise, a reduction the executives ought to be arranged and arranged for and verbalized well. The administration ought to be very much aware that there comes a future go to econonmise least assets. The association likewise ought to assess human asset as an a significant resource as opposed to pegging it as a spending plan makes a human asset increasingly practical as far as development and efficiency. In this sense, workers ought to be engaged with the pattern. They ought to contribute and feel that they are responsible for such a move. Correspondence likewise assumes a significant job. Thusly, during such a move partners ought to be straightforward in each viewpoint to each worker that it will be done on fair grounds. Last, an assortment of strategies ought to be embraced and not just headc ount limitations (Bryson, 2011). As observed from above, cut back administration grasp a methodical technique that an association receives so as to accomplish some set targets. Then again, common change the board alludes to an indiscriminate way attempted so as to cut on costs that a firm brings about. It doesn't influence the roductivity as the association despite everything works on most extreme advantages per man hour times. Cut back administration may influence on profitability (Levy, 2013). The eventual fate of the executives is by all accounts dependent on

Friday, August 21, 2020

Jury Nullification Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Jury Nullification - Case Study Example v. Morgentaler’s case whereby the refered to law didn't enough apply (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). In any case, this has consistently been the standard because of the accepted force allowed to juries whereby regardless of judge’s job of teaching and encouraging them to act dependent on the law being referred to can't meddle with their last decisions. For example, in R. v. Morgentaler’s case the denounced were vindicated after the jury discovered s.251, which they contended abused women’s benefits was valid and didn't in any case appear to consider them responsible for their activities. Much of the time, jury invalidation as obvious for the situation previously mentioned brief a few people particularly the individuals who have done heinous violations incline toward their assertion since they know about accepting reasonable decisions exceptional to the extent of their charges or all together vindicated. This is apparent in R. v. Morgentaler’s case howeve r the included gatherings didn't fast the equivalent yet attributable to then unfurling conditions about laws’ understanding ignored the charges, henceforth clearing the denounced (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). Quittance happens if jury finds the expressed law inapplicable, harsh just as disagreeable dependent on their translation and different viewpoints that may impact their unalterable decisions them like ethical quality. For example, in R. v. ... What's your opinion of jury invalidation? In spite of various negative reactions hostile to jury invalidation, I think its job is a greater amount of maintaining the execution of equity with thought of profound quality. Be that as it may, this in numerous frequencies may contrast with both adjudicator and claimants’ expectations concerning shifted laws, which they refer to the blamed may have encroached dependent on the current case. Since, in the entirety of their endeavors and decisions juries make certain major contemplations whose center reason for existing is to guarantee reasonable preliminary of all gatherings engaged with the case. Be that as it may, because of their opposite decisions to those of the included gatherings may appear to be either indiscreet or preferring a specific gathering/side. This is particularly apparent when the jury invalidates a law that renders one blameworthy of having damaged whereby with the guide of their translation articulate it being cla shing. Henceforth, the denounced vindicated for having fouled up as in the R. v. Morgentaler situation where the inquirer was certain the authorities were quilt. In any case, the case upset when the pros refered to s.251 abused women’s rights by convincing them to convey to term hatchling that may in process subject them to both passionate and mental pain (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). This is maintaining of profound quality, equity and defenseless people’s rights just as ensuring the individuals who might not have satisfactory information concerning understanding of a specific laws. Nonetheless, with the intercession of jury the charged wind up getting reasonable judgment or absolved if the law is severe or disagreeable as for the situation R. v. Morgentaler where the prosecution’s side wound up utilizing another law to protect the refered to encroached law (R. v. Morgentaler, 1988). In light of my assessment, this doesn't infer judges contrasted with juries are

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Gods of Hinduism - Free Essay Example

Hinduism is a religion that consists of thirty-three million gods, both male and female deities are worshipped with equal regard. Hindus worshipping gods and goddesses has always been a real enigma for most people, especially westerners that worship only one God. Hinduism is a model of a religion that stands in sharp opposition to Western notions of what constitutes a religion. The religion does not draw a sharp distinction between divine and human beings. This suggests that it is possible for gods to become humans and for human beings to become gods (Olsun 9). The religion of Hinduism has no single founder, creed, teacher, or prophet acknowledged by all Hindus as central to the religion, and no single holy book is universally acclaimed as being of primary importance. Hindus may acknowledge many deities but consider only one to be supreme; or they may consider all gods and goddesses equal, but worship one who is their favorite (Narayanan 6). With that being said, a majority of the Hindu population worship two gods in particular; Vishnu and Shiva. In Hinduism, Vishnu is the second god in the Hindu trimurti. He is known as the god that preserves the universe and that restores order to the world. Gods and goddesses all have their own iconographic characteristics, and every position of the hands or feet, every associated animal, plant, or bird, has a special significance (Narayanan 30). Unlike other gods, Vishnu appears more often in human or animal forms. He has benevolent, mild, world-preserving features. He is commonly drawn out as having one head, four arms, and blue skin. He carries around a lotus flower, mace, conch, and a discus (Michaels 212). Vishnu is portrayed as having a multiplicity of incarnations. It is believed that over the ages he has descended to earth several times in various animal and human forms to overthrow evil and establish dharma, or righteousness (Narayanan 31). Vishnus first descent was a fish that saved Manu, his family, and many animals from a flood. Vishnu was subsequently incarnated as a tortoise, a boar, a creature that was half lion and half man, and a dwarf-being. The four fully human incarnations of Vishnu follow: the warrior Parasurama; Rama; Balarama; and Krishna. It is believed that the tenth incarnation of Vishnu will come at the end of the present world age, which according to some reckonings began ca. 3102 BCE and will last 423,000 years (Narayanan 32). Vaishnavas, followers of Vaishnavism, worship Vishnu in many ways. Vaishnavas worship Vishnu by offering him flowers, food, water, or by chanting a Mukti mantra. Followers also perform puja with water, fruit, and incense sticks or perform meditation. Many believers still go to a temple or nearby holy place in the morning before they eat their first meal. Here, the gods, spirits, and ancestors, including Vishnu, are usually thought of by presenting a part of the rice dish to animals, primarily cows, chickens, crows, and ants (Olsun 240). Not only is Vishnu perceived as one of the most important gods in the religion of Hinduism, but so is Shiva. Shiva is the third god of the Hindu trimurti and is known as the god of destruction. Shiva has a double nature: malicious and destructive as well as kindly and benevolent. Yet in present day India, Shiva is appealed to mostly as a peaceful god for help and assistance (Michaels 216). The manifold aspects of Shivas power are expressed in his often-paradoxical roles: he is both fierce and benevolent, creator and destroyer, exuberant dancer and austere yogi, ascetic and husband of the goddess Parvati. Stories of his powers of salvation present him as granting wisdom and grace to his devotees (Narayanan 31). Shiva is represented with a human body but has a third eye and two to four arms. His skin color is white with his throat dyed blue from drinking poison, but images often portray him having a blue skin color (Michaels 219). In most images, Shiva is seen holding a trident and an hourglass drum with his long hair bound up. He also wears a cobra or a chain of skulls as a necklace. Shiva is said to have been created instantly, meaning he was not born from a human body. However, there are stories that also state that Shiva was created when Brahma and Vishnu were arguing over who was more superior. As Brahma and Vishnu were arguing, a blazing pillar appeared out of nowhere and the gods had to find the start and end of the pillar till they discovered Shiva waiting for them. It made both gods realize that there was another superior power of the universe and it was Shiva (Michaels 218). Like Vishnu, Shiva is also a high god, who gives his name to a collection of theistic trends and sects: Shaivism (Michaels 215). In the epic-Puranic and popular religious Shaivism, Shiva is most often worshipped as linga, a phallus-shaped stone, which can be represented anthropomorphically (Michaels 216). Shaivites hold daily worship in many Shaiva temples, there are periods of time that are considered sacred and other times that are considered dangerous. The latter period falls at night, which symbolizes cosmic darkness, and is generally a period of inactivity. The sacred time begins after midnight and before the predawn hours. Dawn marks a very significant period because it is associated with the initial puja of the day and the awakening of the sleeping deity. This is followed by four additional daytime periods that are intended to flow according to the dynamic nature of the cosmos. These are daybreak (approximately 6:30 to 7:15 am), middle time (7:30 to 9:00 am), mid-morning (10:0 0 am), and noon, which represents the zenith of the daily time periods and ritual observances. The three evening time periods are evening (4:30 to 6:30 pm), junction (7:30 to 9:30 pm), and half-night (9:45 to 10:30 pm). The ritual of the bedchamber, at which time the deity is put to rest, marks the final evening time period, and the ritual day ends. Rituals must be punctually performed during the various appropriate time periods (Michaels 245).

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Our Nursing Heritage Essay - 1039 Words

We live in a country of culturally diversity. To provide the highest quality of care to our patients we need to be culturally competent nurses (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2008,  ¶ 2). Using the Heritage Assessment Tool as a guideline I interviewed three families. The first was my own of Russian heritage, the second a colleague with a strong Chinese heritage, and the third a young single mother with a Hispanic heritage. These interviews gave me an insight into their views on health maintenance, protection and restoration. All three cultures had both similarities and differences. In the interviews with three culturally different families, an assessment was focused on the strength of their heritage and views on†¦show more content†¦My mother said this came from my Russian heritage. My grandmother did not believe in processed foods. She felt if we ate correctly we would stay healthy. That is what she learned as a child in Russia. Our family grew up eating fresh fruits and vegetables that were either grow in our backyard or purchased from local farms. Health protection was promoted in our family. Our parents stressed the importance of vaccinations and disease prevention. In addition they we careful to minimize chemicals in the house and yard. Childhood illness did not result into trips to the doctors. To restore you health it took time. We were taught to be tough, and follow my grandmother’s philosophy of treating the symptoms with fluids and rest. My family has a cultural connection that has been passed down by my grandmother. We have taken on Russian traits of being strong and nutritional eating. The second assessment and interview was with a colleague’s family. They are a young couple from Taiwan, who are now citizens of the United States. This couple has a strong Chinese heritage. The rest of their family is still in Taiwan. Their extended family are members of the Chinese church they attend. This couple described their views health maintenance as; â€Å"to do the right things for body, mind and spirit†. To achieve a spiritual well-being, a focus is placed on a healthy diet and lifestyle. Stress reduction and an optimistic mind set keeps themShow MoreRelatedEssay about Heritage Assessment981 Words   |  4 PagesHeritage Assessment Introduction Over the past 20 years a significant social movement in America has amplified public awareness toward the promotion of health and disease prevention, known as Healthy People 2000 and 2010. It has been beneficial in changing the focus of health care from a reactive standpoint to a proactive one, which endorses national health and prevention of disease (Edelmam Mandle, 2010). However delivery of health care objectives is not enough. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Effective Supply Chain Management - 1631 Words

Introduction An effective supply chain management is critical to success in today’s business environment where competition, risk and uncertainty are challenging. Ahenkora and Peasah (2011, p.278) state that ‘the need to deliver on clear strategic choices in today’s hypercompetitive business and uncertain environment is greater than ever’. Electrolux, one of the major players in the home appliances industry, has modified its strategy over the years, adapting its business to new business requirements and customers’ expectations, allowing the company to work towards its vision to be the best appliance company in the world as measured by customers, employees and shareholders. Electrolux sources its supplies from different countries,†¦show more content†¦1 Electrolux group Swedish based, ‘Electrolux has been doing business since 1919. Today, the company is a global leader in home appliances, selling more than 50 million products to customers in 150 markets every year’ (, 2015). Its business includes the Major Appliances (refrigerators, cookers, dishwashers, washing machines dryers), Small Appliances (Vacuum cleaners accessories) Home Comfort products (air conditioners, water heaters and heat pumps). Electrolux is the main trading brand; however, the range includes Westinghouse, Zanussi, Eureka, Frigidaire, AEG, among others. 2 Description and analysis of Electrolux supply chain and logistic systems Electrolux’s strategy is focus on what gives a differential advantage from its competitors, its â€Å"core business†. To do so, Electrolux changed from producing their own components to outsource the majority of them, moving towards an assembly of the finished products. Without doubt, this has many implications for the supply chain and logistics management, not the least being the challenge of integration and coordination of the flow of materials from a multitude of suppliers from offshore and similarly managing the distribution of the finish goods by way of multiple intermediaries. To put Electrolux logistics system in perspective, please refer to the below picture, where only one part of Electrolux business supply chain: Major appliances, is summarised. Figure 1: Electrolux major appliances

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Night by Elie Wiesel Notice and Note Paper free essay sample

My Notice and Note Soiree In using my Notice and Note strategies, I found that my analysis of the book, Night by Elie Wiesel to be far more in depth than it would have been had I done the contrary. For instance, when applying the method of Again and Again I realized that the phrase, Fire, over there! The fire! Listen to me! (Wiesel 24) sequentially appeared in chapter two on pages 24 through 28. The phrase foreshadowed the revealing of the crematoriums on the camp Auschwitz. The phrase made me ponder hether or not the woman saying it was Just mad or if at some time during the story she would be useful, but as it turned out she was actually truthful and no one believed her in time to escape and avoid the crematorium flames. With utilizing Notice and Note once in a while IVe come to find that Ill believe a word or phrase foreshadows or means something entirely different to what it actually comes to be. We will write a custom essay sample on Night by Elie Wiesel Notice and Note Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A simple example would be when I again was exercising the use of Again and Again I continuously spotted, Kabbalah, (Wiesel 3). I believed the word had a strong significance in the story and would lead to some sort of event later on, however my conclusion was wrong and Kabbalah is Just a term for the Jewish mysticism and mystical thought. When resorting to the use of the Words of the Wiser Notice and Note, it initiated a sense of curiosity and made me ask myself more deeply thought out questions. A paragon of my work with this strategy would be when I noted the advice of an inmate to Wiesel. The inmate said, No youre 18. Fool. Listen to what I say, (Wiesel 30). I inquired, What is the significance of age in Auschwitz? Later, I come to find that age is highly significant when the S. S. soldiers chose who to die during selection. Also when using Words of the Wiser, IVe found that I still have questions unanswered, however taking time to wonder these questions helped my understanding of the memoir. Another wonderful example of my instigating the use of Words of the Wiser would be when I selected to ponder the phrase, Lets stay together, itll make us strong, (Wiesel 71). This was said by Yossi to Elie right before a selection. I couldnt help but ask, Is staying together really going to show the S. S. anything different? Dont they all look like the same person by now? To be honest Im still wondering if that actually made the S. S. feel any different about whether or not to select them. I know that none of them got selected, but did sticking together honestly change that? Although the questions werent answered, using Words of the Wiser over and over again made me curious about what will happen next in the book. Utilizing the strategy of Tough Questions influenced me to deduct my own answers early on, but had me caught off guard when my answers were right or completely satisfied when I was right on the nose. For example, when I came across the question, What if it really was the last day? (Wiesel 66). My answer was, theres no way it could be the last day for Wiesel, but for members of his block probably. Wiesel survived. Using this strategy perked my interest in the book because it became like a huge guessing game. A genuine example of this would be when I took ote of the question, Here or elsewhere, what did it matter? (Wiesel 98). When I noted this question I answered, Nothing really matters when you are in the eyes of death. This answer was quite relevant to Wiesels situation, however didnt really answer anything significant in the book. Every time I crossed questions, Id answer and anxiously wait until I got confirmation or found I was incorrect. Using this strategy made my enjoyment of the memoir far greater than it would have been had I not tried to use Tough Questions.